Fifth District Oratorical Contest March 1, 2009
Mableton Post 264
Mableton Post 264 hosted the annual Fifth District Oratorical Contest on the day it snowed - March 1, 2009. There were three contestants from the Fifth District and a reception by the hosts was held after the contest and chicken wings and a celebratory cake were served. The District is fortunate to have a great venue for an Oratorical Contest at Post 264.

After the speeches wer done, Chairman Burdette introduced the judges: (l-r) Theresa Schnider, Steve Anderson, Sean Mangieri, Jesse Bickle; and the contestants: Danielle Lash, Blake Adams, and Logan Moore.

Fifth District Commander Buddy Acree presents Third Place Winner Logan Moore, a homeschooled 10th grader with a certificate and a check for $150. Logan represented Newnan Post 57. The title of her speech was "Silent Scream."

Danielle Lash was the Second Place winner. She is from Kell High School and represented North Cobb Post 304. Here she is presented with a certificate and a check for $250. Her speech was titled "Our Constitution: A Changing Uniform."

And the winner: Homeschooled Blake Adams, a senior representing Powder Springs Post 294 received a certificate and $350. for his efforts. His speech was titled "Three Words."

Here are the three contestants - all representing their sponsoring Posts well.

And the contestants, Commander Acree, the judges, and Chairman Burdette.

Chairman Burdette thanks some of the assistants, Chaplain G.D. Hendrix of Newnan Post 57, Sr. Vice Commander and Tabulator Alan Johnson, and Jr. Vice Rich Ray, who served as Tabulator and Escort.
SPECIAL THANKS TO: Fifth District Commander Buddy Acree, Tony Propst and Eldin Morris, Mableton Post 264 Contest Coordinators, Newnan Post 57 and Fifth District Chaplain G.D. Hendrix, North Cobb Post 304 Commander Lieber, Timekeeper, Fred Gaines, Timekeeper and Photographer, Sr. Vice Commander Alan Johnson, Tabulator and Escort, Jr. Vice Commander Richard Ray, Tabulator and Escort.
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