Operation Hands On:
A Veteran's Day For Kids
Post 304 Provides 10th Graders from Harrison High School a "Living History" Lesson - December 9, 2009, North Cobb County

Sr. Vice Commander introduces the panel to the Harrison High 10th grade class. He's at the lectern and, l-r: Post 304 member and Past Commander Bob Titshaw, WWII veterans and Post 304 members Ray Unser and Duane Young, WWII MIA/POW Rev. Ewell Black, Post 160, WWII MIA/POW William Price, Post 304 Commander Larry Lieber.

Part of the 120 or so 10th grade Social Studies class from Harrison High School.

Post 304 Chaplain and WWII veteran Duane Young starts it off ...

... followed by WWII veteran and Past Commander Ray Unser.

Rev. Ewell Black, a captive during the Battle of the Bulge in WWII tells of his capture on December 19, 1944, and ensuing months in German captivity until being liberated in April, 1945.

And the students are enthralled by Rev. Black's comments.

William E. Price, member of American Ex-Prisoners of War and a POW of the Japanese military until liberated in August, 1945, tells a harrowing tale of being Kamikazied down after a bombing raid over Japan and his capture and solitary confinement in a Japanese prison camp.

The crowd is mesmerized by Price's story of torture and depravation while in the Japanese prison camp.

Q and A Session after the veterans told their stories.

The students show their gratitude after the Program.

The "line-up" after the Program. Third from left is Mrs. Holli Reason, Harrison High Social Studies teacher and coordinator for the Program.
At December 15, 2008 1:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
It is so great to see these young adults learning about such an important part of our history. My mother just gave a talk today to a group of people about her experience as a civilian POW during WWII in the Philippines, and there were a lot of younger audience members there who never knew any of this happened. They were on the edge of their seats.
This looked to be a wonderful program for the high school students. I'm so glad to see that this happened.
I salute the veterans for their service. We owe them everything.
Michael McCoy
author, "Through My Mother's Eyes"
At January 13, 2009 4:06 PM,
Unknown said…
Thanks for your kind words. These programs have been well received and we shall continue them for as long as we have some WWII veterans to participate. D Burdette
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