Kennesaw Mountain High School
Conducts Annual JROTC
Awards Ceremony
Tuesday evening, May 13, 2008, was an eventful evening for the JROTC cadets, their parents and friends. The annual Awards Night saw most of the KMHS Navy cadets receive recognition for their past years' accomplishments - and there was much to be proud of.

The Color Guard opened the evening's ceremony.
Here's part of the head table. The lady at left represented The Daughters of the American Revolution, next is the representative of The Sons of the American Revolution and then there is our own Post 304 Commander Larry Lieber, and ROTC Awards Chairman Larry Hale.
The ceremony was opened by Cadet LCDR Sam Ponce, the Unit's Cadet Commander.

He was followed by the JROTC Commander, CAPT Sean King.
Larry, Larry and CAPT King. Larry Hale commented on The American Legion JROTC Awards for Scholastic Excellence and Military Excellence.
And the Award (including ribbons and certificate) for Scholastic Excellence was presented to:
Cadet Ensign Katie Jones
The Award for Military Excellence was presented to:
Cadet LCDR Sam Ponce
The Program was concluded with the Change of Command Ceremony. The new cadet officers for next school year, 2008-2009, are in the front row, l-r, Operations Officer, Executive Officer and Commanding Officer. Standing behind them are the their 2007-2008 counterparts.
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