Post 304 Installation Ceremony/Dinner
a Huge Success
Held at Provino's Italian Restuarant on Barrett Parkway in Kennesaw on
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The affair was attended by 45 Legionnaires their spouses and friends. A number of dignitaries were in attendance, including Department Commander Fae Casper, National and Georgia American Legion Press Association President Martha Conway, 5th District Commander Buddy Acree, 5th District Sr. Vice Commander Randy Goodman, 5th District Junior Vice Commander Jerry Hallman, Post 29 Commander Amador "Chief"Rodriquez, the Installing Officer, past 5th District Commander and ALBA President Bill Lienhop, and 5th District ALBA Administrator and Post 160 Judge Advocate Ron Mazzola.
Most of the following pictures were taken by Post 304 past Jr. Vice Commander Mike Kettman. Because of the large number of images and the difficulty involved in getting them in chronological order, we have placed them randomly on this site. We will attemp to identify most of the people in the images but, sit back and enjoy.
Sitting: Debbie Beckley, Legionnaire Post 160, Darlene Lienhop; standing Alan Johnson, Lee Titshaw and Velica Daniel (sitting with back to camera).
One of the tables with various guests.
Post 304 Jr Vice Commander Rich Ray is presented the Legionnaire of the Year Award by Commander Lieber.
Rich Ray with guest Bill Kovach with his back to the camera.
Post 304 Finance Officer Tom Stenzel (yeah, he pays the bills for us high-spendin Post members).
Jr. Vice Commander Tug Hale (right) and friend Barbi Williams chat with Post 29 Commander Amador Rodriguez and his wife, Terri.

Commander Lieber adjusts all of his cap pens, while Dept. Commader Casper watches Larry's grandson, Jordan.
NALBA and GALPA President Martha Conway looks admiringly at Sr. Vice Commander Alan Johnson. That's Nancy Burdette and Post 304 member Bob Steele in the background.
Mike Kettmann and fiance Janice Wadsworth lookin' good. (Thanks for all the pictures, Mike!)
Richard Ray trying to get a word in between Martha Conway and Velica Daniel.

Ron Mazzola and the girls! (Way to go, Ron!)

Post 304 Jr. Vice Commander Fred Gaines
5th District Jr. Vice Jerry Hallman seems to be turning over his cash to Ron Mazzola.
Velica and Howard Daniel and Post 304 Jr. Vice Terry Hendrix enjoying Jerry Hallman's humor, no doubt.
Commander Lieber's grandson Jordan, who is also the Sgt.-at-Arms for Squadron 304 SAL, daughters Nikki and Kristin.
Bill Kovach holds court and keeps the other guests amused.

Past 304 Commander Bob Titshaw and wife, Juandalee.
Post 304 member Bob Steele.
Terri and "Chief" Rodriguez, honored guests.
Dave Muldenhauser, Legionnaire and Commander VFW Post 5408 in Acworth, and friend, Debbie Beckley, Post 160.
Barbara and Post 304 Chaplain Duane Young.

5th District Commander Buddy Acree and friend Patricia.
Commaner Lieber and Adjutant Burdette at the lectern to present past Post Officer Certificates of Appreciation.
Commander Lieber opens the brief business meeting.
Georgia Department Commander Fae Casper seems to enjoy the proceedings.

Martha Conway about to announce the winner of the First Place Prize for Post Newsletter, black & white, multi-page.

... and she calls upon
The Situation Report Editor, Alan Johnson.

... and Johnson graciously accepts the Award for having the best damn newsletter in Georgia!

Commander Lieber wondering where he is.

Past 5th District Lienhop stars the Installation proceedings.

And here are the new officers, about to be installed.

Taking the oath.

Commander Casper talks "for the good of The Legion"

... as does Commander Acree.

Burdette and Lienhop chatting afterwards.
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