North Cobb High School
Honors Night
NorthStar Church
May 6, 2008
Awards (or Honors) Night at the local, Cobb County High Schools is a very special event for most of us old-timers. It gives the adult attendees a fresh, new perspective of the youth of this great country and, academically, this great county. Awards night honors (usually) some 200 students for being the best and the brightest. Tuesday night, May 6 was no exception.
One of the most prestigious awards given at the ceremony was the annual American Legion School Award, which is presented to a high school graduating senior and is based on those attributes of Courage, Honor, Leadership, Patriotism, Scholarship and Service. The selection of the deserving student is made by the school staff and consists of a 2.5" Medallion with a dispay easel and a Certificate. Post 304 was well represented at the event by Sr. Vice Commander Alan Johnson, Finance Officer Tom Stenzel (whose son was being presented with an award), Jr. Vice Commander Fred Gaines, Sgt.-at-Arms Larry Hale and Adjutant David Burdette.

The NCHS JROTC Color Guard opened the ceremony by displaying the colors.
Principal Assistant Benji Morrell anxiously awaits the opening remarks by Principal Gary Boling and for the ceremony to get underway.
Sr. Vice Commander Johnson awaits his turn to present The American Legion School Award.
Johnson relates to the crowd The American Legion Four-Pillar legacy and the purpose of The American Legion School Award.
And here, he presents the Award to the 2008 North Cobb recipient:
Donald Gentry
Gentry is a senior JROTC Cadet and has committed to the Army National Guard. He will be training this summer at Ft. Sill and will await deployment later in the year. Our hats are off and best wishes go to Cadet Gentry.
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