Post 304 Installation Ceremony - July 21, 2007 - Part III, After-Dinner Presentations
After a delicious Italian dinner at Provino's Restuarant, Acworth, GA Mayor Tommy Allegood gave an inspirational presentation accompanied by a video featuring veterans from World War II (Allegood's father), the Korean Conflict, the Viet Nam War and the Iraq War, and the establishment of a Veteran's Memorial at Lake Acworth at Patriot's Point.

Mayor Allegood at the lectern.

The crowd listens intently. That's Mayor Allegood's uncle Carlton Allegood at left, District Five Chaplain the Rev. Ewell Black, and Post 304 Finance Officer Tom Stenzel in the foreground.

Left is Mayor Allegood's father, Bill, uncle Carlton Allegood and the Rev. Black.

Also presenting after dinner was Post 304 friend and newly-elected Cobb County Board of Education member Dr. John E. Abraham. He spoke about the his interest in veteran's affairs and in expanding Legion programs in the Cobb County school system.

After his talk, Dr. Abraham was presented the "We The People Award" from the Post for his assistance in helping the Post with the American Flag issue encountered earlier in the year. Following this award, Commander Lieber presented Certificates of Appreciation to all of the Post 304 Officers and Committee Chairman for their involvement in the Post Programs during the 20006-2007 year.

Sr. Vice Commander Alan Johnson was presented the prestigous LEGIONNAIRE OF THE YEAR AWARD by Commander Lieber. The Award can only be awarded once in a Legionnaire's lifetime and it was awarded to Johnson for his work on the new Post Home Pledge Drive and as Editor of the Post Newsletter,
The Situation Report. Johnson also was presented a Second Place Certificate of Merit from the Georgia American Legion Press Association for excellence in Newsletters.

Johnson salutes Commaner Lieber after receiving the Legionaire of the Year Award

Commander Lieber presents Adjutant Burdette with the "U Dun Gud David" Award.

Adjutant Burdette was also awarded a Distinguished Service Award by Commander Lieber and the Post.

Burdette's Plaque.

Following the Ceremony, Fifth District Chaplain the Rev. Ewell Black, a former WWII POW/MIA from the Battle of the Bulge thanked the Post for the development of the "Veteran's Day 4 Kids" Program, in which he has been a participant.
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