Installation Ceremony - July 21, 2007 - Part IV, The Installation of the New Post 304 Officers:
Department Finance Officer and District 5 ALBA Chairman James Robinson was the Installing Officer. Here he gives instructions to Commander Larry Lieber and the new officers about to be installed:

Robinson at the lectern

Sr. Vice-Commander Alan Johnson, standing in for Jr. Vice Richard Ray (who was away on a fishing trip in Canada) is former Post 304 Commander Howard Daniel, Jr. Vice Mike Kettmann, Sr., and Jr. Vice Fred Gaines.

Jr. Vice Gaines, Jr. Vice David Menendez, standing in for Judge Advocate Jim Stoll (who was in Panama City, FL at his grand-daughters appearance in the World Series of Fast-Pitch Softball) Kristin Lieber, Commanders Lieber's daughter, and Chaplain Robert Noles.

Kristin, Noles, and Sgt.-at-Arms Larry Hale.

Asst. Chaplain Duane Young, Adjutant David Burdette.

The newly installed Officers for 2007-2008 face the crowd. That's Finance Officer Tom Stenzel in the forground at right.
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