Friday, May 26, 2006
May 23, 2006
By Tom Purcell
Ted Pace served his country during World War II. Now 81, he and 21 other veterans are serving more than ever. Four years ago, Pace, a member of American Legion Post 760 in Pittsburgh, saw a problem. With Second World War veterans dying in increasing numbers, he felt more needed to be done during their funerals to recognize their military service.
Though Congress mandated in 1999 that two active duty servicemen be available to participate in veterans' funerals, Pace wanted to do more. He established a full-fledged Honor Guard, recruiting from his post, as well as VFW Post 6664 located a few miles away. Soon, 22 fellows had signed on, veterans who served in WW II, Korea and Vietnam, veterans who were eager to serve again.
This band of brothers now participates in more than 270 funerals a year – sometimes five days a week, sometimes twice a day. They've performed services in the mud in pouring rain. They've performed during blizzards and sub-zero temperatures.
Ask any of them why they do it and you'll get the same reply: It is their great honor to serve. Their service is all the more remarkable when you consider two-thirds of them are between 75 and 89 years old. I met these incredible fellows a year ago when my Uncle Jimmy, a Vietnam veteran, was laid to rest. When I arrived, I found them standing at attention. Their shoulders were square, their uniforms perfectly tailored, their shoes and buttons expertly polished. They carried on as though my uncle had been a general.
They saluted Jimmy when we carried his casket from the hearse into the chapel. With great precision and clarity, the chaplain, 89-year-old Gene Frediani, recited a version of a soldier's prayer:
"It is the soldier who has given us all our freedoms. It's the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It's the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It's the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to object. It's the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
"It's the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves under that flag and whose coffin is draped under that beautiful flag, who has given us the freedom to comfortably sit in our living rooms each evening with our loved ones.
"Our dear comrade, Jimmy Hartner, we bid you farewell and we express our great gratitude for the part you played in ensuring us that we may always continue to have all these wonderful freedoms."
The chaplain said another prayer. Then, in perfect unity, seven riflemen fired three shots. The bugler performed "Taps."
The chaplain took three bullet casings from his pocket -- casings he had buffed and polished at home -- and held them up."These three spent cartridges represent Jimmy Hartner's rifle salute. They are symbols of duty, honor and love of country."
He placed the cartridges into the flag, which two active-duty servicemen took great pains to fold expertly. They handed it to my Aunt Celie and thanked her, on behalf of America, for Jimmy's service. It was a powerful display that left a roomful of people in tears.It's impossible to be cynical in the presence of these Honor Guard men. In a free society, there should be debate about when to take up arms, but there is no debate about the men and women who serve.
Such respect was denied my Uncle Jimmy when he returned from Vietnam. He never talked about his service and it soon became a part of his forgotten past. But as we laid him to rest, his sacrifice was powerfully remembered and celebrated thanks to 22 remarkable men.
This Memorial Day, as we remember those who gave their lives in service to their country, let's also remember those who continue to serve, including 22 Western Pennsylvania Honor Guard volunteers, who are ensuring that others receive the honor, dignity and respect that they deserve.
Tom Purcell's weekly political humor column runs in newspapers and Web sites across America.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
James E. Stoll .
3862 Nowlin Rd., Kennesaw, Ga. 30144 770-966-8219
May 16, 2006
The American Legion
700 North Pennsylvania St.
P.O. Box 1055
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206
Attn: Ronald A. Engle, Deputy Director
Americanism/Children & Youth Division
Refr: Unlawful Infiltration & Occupation by Foreign Nationals
Dear Mr. Engle,
I am in receipt of your letter of May 11, 2006, in response to my letter of May 6, 2006 to National Commander Thomas L. Bock. I must tell you that I was dumbfounded by the contents of your letter, which listed six (6) specific legislative positions that have been taken by the American Legion pertaining to what I consider to be the most serious problem facing our nation today, as referenced above. It is also a problem that our National Congress has been incapable of addressing since the attack on our nation by foreign nationals in 2001. I must ask; Why was I not aware of the fact that The American Legion had already taken these positions? I am a new member of The American Legion and I must be missing something. I have re-read the past three (3) issues of the Legion magazine, and I have searched the Legion web-site without finding a single reference to any of the official positions that were itemized in your letter.
When faced with a situation which could, and likely will, threaten the very survival of our nation as we know it, would it not make sense to inform the membership of The American Legion of the positions that its National Headquarters has taken to combat that eventuality . Would it not also make sense to urge each and every Legionnaire, and non-member veteran, to do his or her duty and write, call or visit their Congresspersons to make them aware of their displeasure with the methods now being proposed in our Senate to combat the problem. While our volunteer military forces are fighting and dying in an attempt to promote freedom in a foreign land that does not seem to want it, our Senate and our President are making a bold attempt to give our rights and freedoms away to an army of invading foreign nationals, free of charge, and even inviting them to expand their forces by issuing them legal work permits.
I would imagine that you all have a lot on your plates at National Headquarters, but it would seem to me that saving our nation from a threat of dissolution and\or destruction would take precedence over everything else The American Legion planned to do. Doesn't this issue demand at least the same attention as the Legion's recent request of the membership to urge passage of HR2679 and stop taxpayer funds to support the ACLU? What good would be achieved if you won every other position listed on the Legions legislative agenda and allowed our country to be destroyed, by our own Congress, while you were engaged in doing that. I am not opposed to any of the good things that The Legion plans to do but, as far as I am concerned, preserving the rights and freedoms of my nation should be the top item on every agenda.
It has been my opinion, for many years, that our Congress is incapable of governing our nation for the common good. I joined The American Legion in the hope that I could join my voice with a national organization, to rise up in unison, to tell our Congress to either start doing their jobs, in accordance with the oath they took, or get out of the way and let someone else do them. I believe my letter describes my position quite clearly. If, as you seem to indicate, The American Legion truly also supports that position, why isn’t it trying to sell the idea to the 25 million other veterans that exist out here. It is what seems to be a lackadaisical attitude toward a national catastrophe that disturbs me greatly.
Please enlighten me if I’m wrong.
James E. Stoll
Active Member
American Legion Post 304
Cc: Thomas L Bock, National Commander
Here's the response Post 304 member Jim Stoll received from National Headquarters regarding his letter reproduced below. It is lacking the National American Legion masthead as I was not able to reproduce it.
May 11, 2006
Mr. James Stoll
3862 Nowlin Rd. NW
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Dear Mr. Stoll,
Thank you for your letter to National Commander Tom Bock. The Commander is away from the office on official travels for the organization and has asked me to respond in his behalf. I serve as staff liaison to the National Americanism Commission that has administrative responsibility for our positions on illegal aliens.
The American Legion shares your frustration with the illegal alien situation in this country. We have not been silent on the issue even though you may not have heard our voice in Kenesaw. The American Legion provided written testimony to the Senate debate on reform legislation. Some of us have appeared on television and have written letters to newspapers stating our objection to legislation proposals for illegals in this country.
The American Legion has numerous position resolutions on this subject and many of them are included in our legislative agenda. As such, they are provided to Members of Congress as the official position of The American Legion. These include:
- Opposition to any program, policy or directive that would grant illegal aliens legal permission to remain in the United States;
- Strict enforcement of employer sanctions as called for in current employment laws (but are not being enforced);
- Secure our borders from those seeking illegal entry, including the hiring and training of additional U.S. Border Patrol agents with employment preference afforded former members of the U.S. Armed Forces;
- Petition the government to authorize and encourage federal, state and local law enforcement to arrest and detain individuals, including illegal aliens, who are suspected of violating the immigration laws of the United States;
- Deny illegal aliens from receiving Social Security benefits, unemployment compensation and other types of taxpayer-supported forms of public assistance; and
- English be designated as the official language of the United States.
The United States is a country of laws; restrictions on behavior not in the best interest of this country. They were put there for a reason. The government's failure to enforce them is the root of the problem we face today. In fact, if the immigration laws had been enforced previously, there would be no problem today.
The message I have been sharing with people, like you, who have contacted this office about the illegal aliens issue is that you, and people like you, can influence the vote of your elected representatives in Congress. I would encourage you to contact them through their local office in your district and state. Tell them that you, as a taxpaying citizen of the United States, expect them to act in the best interests of this country and not reward those who have broken our immigration laws.
Thank you for your interest in this matter and please be assured that The American Legion Shares your concerns....and your frustrations.
/s/ Ronald A. Engel
RONALD A. ENGEL, Deputy Director
Americanism/Children & Youth Division
C: Thomas L. Beck, National Commander
Joseph Caouette, Jr., Chairman - National Americanism Commission
Marty Justis, Director - Americanism and Children & Youth
Robert A. Pollard, Commander - The American Legion of Georgia
Charles R. Knox, Adjutant - The American Legion of Georgia
Ray Hendrix, National Executive Committeeman - Georgia
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Highlight of the meeting was the election of Post 304 officers for the 2006-2007 American Legion year. Elected to serve for the coming year are:
Commander - Larry Lieber
Sr. Vice Commander - Alan Johnson
Jr. Vice Commander - Richard Ray
Jr. Vice Commander - Andy Rice
Jr. Vice Commander - Mike Kettmann
Finance Officer - Tom Stenzel
Judge Advocate - Jim Stoll
Service Officer - Tom Stenzel
Asst. Service Officer - Robert Noles
Congratulations to each of the elected officers.
Commander-Elect Lieber indicated that he would make the following appointments at the proper time:
Adjutant and Historian - David Burdette
Chaplain - Robert Noles
Sgt.-at-Arms - F. D. Smith
Asst. Sgt.-at-Arms - Howard Daniel
Adjutant Burdette introduced Post 304's representative to the National Oratorical Contest, Andrew Jones, a senior at Kennesaw Mountain High School. Burdette advised the group that Andrew had represented the Post well by winning the District Contest and placing second in the Area Contest, the winner of which proceeded to win the Department Contest and place in the top 10 in the National Contest. Jones indicated that has been accepted to Princeton University in the Fall. Burdette awarded him with a Certificate of Appreciation and a Post check for $150.00.
Jones then spoke to the group about how his experience in the American Legion contests had helped him in winning the State High School speaking contest shortly afterward.
Following are pictures of Burdette introducing Jones and Jones addressing the Post.

The American Legion May 6, 2006
700 North Pennsylvania St.
P.O. Box 1055
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206
Attn: National Commander Thomas L. Bock
Dear Commander Bock,
Most Americans look upon The American Legion as a leading voice for the rights and recognition of our nation's veterans and as a guardian of the freedoms we all enjoy as a result of their service and sacrifice. It is therefore the duty and responsibility of The American Legion, as a whole, to rise up, take a stand and speak out above the furor of the rabble, whenever an issue confronts our nation that is highly detrimental to "the common good" and tears at the very fabric of the society that we have built.
Such an issue confronts our nation and our way of life today. It is commonly referred to as "The Illegal Immigration Problem". However, the name-tag in itself is a misnomer. What is happening in our nation today is not illegal immigration. It is, in reality, an unlawful infiltration of our nation by foreign nationals, by stealth, for personal gain. Immigrants of the past, my grandparents among them, fled the horrible living conditions in the lands of their birth and came to the United States of America in search of freedom and equal opportunity. They left everything behind them and worked diligently in their new land to become responsible citizens.
I would venture to say that a great majority of our veterans today are sons and daughters of such immigrants and the largest majority of them are proud to call themselves Americans.
Those who infiltrate our nation today are knowingly and willfully breaking our nation's laws. In doing so, they forfeit any rights except those involving detection, arrest, detention and deportation. Their only defense for their actions is that they will work cheap. They bring the flag of their homeland with them to wave in our faces as they carouse and chant in our streets.
They wire a large percentage of the money they earn here to others who are left behind in their homeland, so that they might follow. They overwhelm our schools, our medical facilities, our charities, our law enforcement and our compassion, while paying little or no taxes to support the benefits they usurp. They do not seek citizenship. They seek capitulation. They openly preach their gospel, both in our nation and in their homeland, that they are seeking the rightful restoration of lands that were stolen from their homeland in past centuries. They have been trained to believe that a large portion of our nation belongs to them, and that it is only a matter of time before it is restored to its rightful owners.
A President of the United States addressed the problem we face today most succinctly when he told the American people and all immigrants at the time, "We must insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming, in every facet, an American and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. We have room for but one flag here, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, the English language. We have room for but one loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people". The name of that President was Theodore Roosevelt. He spoke these words almost a century ago, in 1907. They still apply today.
As a member of The American Legion, I appeal to you, the National Commander of The American Legion, to call upon the veterans of our nation to rise up in unison and make a stand to once again defend the land that they love, from chaos and eventual dissolution. If the veterans of our nation, who have already served so valiantly to protect and defend our nation and our way of life, do not once again take action, by demanding that our government close our borders and rid our nation of this scourge that has befallen it, we are faced with becoming a third world nation in the near future.
James E. Stoll
Active Member,
American Legion Post 304
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Message From Jr. Vice-Commander Fred Gaines
On Tuesday, May 9, 2006, I attended the Kennesaw Mountain High School Navy Junior ROTC Awards banquet and ceremony and presented on behalf of North Cobb American Legion Post 304, the American Legion Military Excellence Bronze Award (medal and certificate) to Cadet Vickie Parks and the American Legion Scholastic Excellence Bronze Award (medal and certificate) to Cadet Jesse Galt. LCDR Campbell introduced me.
Thanks to Commander Titshaw for delivering the certificates and medals to Commander Campbell and GYSGT Smith on Monday, even though Commander Titshaw was not feeling well.
Thanks to Sr. Vice Commander Lieber for encouraging me to attend. Photos from the event follow this post. Cadets Robins and Torres were my photographers (first picture).
The program can only be described as excellent. There must have been 75 cadets and hundreds of parents and family members in attendance. I was inspired to see such a great group of well disciplined, proud Cadets and their outstanding leaders. Check out their excellent web site at :
Fred Gaines Jr. Vice Commander
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Here's a Copy of a Letter that was sent to Our Senators, Congressman and National Commander by Member Jim Stoll:
May 7, 2006
Congressman Tom Price
506 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Subject: The Immigration Problem
Dear Congressman Price,
At the outset of each new Congress, each member who is beginning a new term in the Senate or the House of Representatives swears a solemn oath that states: "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to same". It is therefore the sworn duty and responsibility of you and every other member of those august bodies, to rise up as a whole, to take immediate and appropriate action, without regard to the furor of the rabble, whenever a foreign force, that is highly detrimental to "the common good", confronts our Republic and tears at the very fabric of the society we and our forefathers have built, over the past 230 years.
Such an issue confronts our nation and our way of life today. It is commonly referred to as "The Illegal Immigration Problem". However, the name-tag in itself is a misnomer. What is happening in our nation today is not illegal immigration. It is, in reality, an unlawful infiltration of our nation by foreign nationals, with stealth, for personal gain. Immigrants of the past, my grandparents among them, openly fled the horrible living conditions in the lands of their birth and came to the United States of America in search of freedom and equal opportunity. They left everything behind them and worked diligently in their new land to become responsible citizens. I would venture to say that a great majority of those in our nation today, who have served and sacrificed to protect and defend our Republic in its many wars, are descendents of such immigrants and the largest majority of them are proud to call themselves Americans.
Those who infiltrate our nation today knowingly and willfully break our nation’s laws. In doing so, they forfeit any rights except those involving detection, arrest, detention and deportation. Their only defense for their actions is that they will work cheap, so cheap that no American, with a family, who pays taxes, can compete with them. They bring the flag of their homeland with them to wave in our faces as they carouse, chant and wave signs in our streets. They wire a large percentage of the money they earn here to others who are left behind in their homeland, so that they might follow. Their demands overwhelm our schools, our medical facilities, our charities, our law enforcement and our compassion, while paying little or no taxes to support the many benefits they usurp. They do not seek citizenship. They seek capitulation. They openly preach a gospel, both in our nation and in their homeland, that they seek the rightful restoration of lands that were stolen from their homeland in past centuries. They have been taught to believe that a large portion of our nation belongs to them, and it is only a matter of time before it is restored to its rightful owners.
A President of the United States addressed the problem we face today most succinctly when he told the American people and all immigrants at the time; "We must insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming, in every facet, an American and nothing but an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. We have room for but one flag here, the American flag. We have room for but one language here, the English language. We have room for but one loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people". The name of that President was Theodore Roosevelt. He spoke these words almost a century ago, in 1907. They still aptly apply to the situation today.
As a veteran of one of this nation’s wars, I appeal to you, as a national leader who is sworn to defend this Republic, to stand up and call upon your fellow members of Congress, who are also so sworn, to take immediate action to close our borders and rid our nation of the foreign enemies that are attacking it. If you fail to do so, our grandchildren are destined to become a people faced with the reality of becoming a third world nation. Let the words of Theodore Roosevelt guide you in the performance of your duty.
James E. Stoll, Active Member American Legion Post 304