Run-Down of May 18 Meeting, Including Election of Officers
Highlight of the meeting was the election of Post 304 officers for the 2006-2007 American Legion year. Elected to serve for the coming year are:
Commander - Larry Lieber
Sr. Vice Commander - Alan Johnson
Jr. Vice Commander - Richard Ray
Jr. Vice Commander - Andy Rice
Jr. Vice Commander - Mike Kettmann
Finance Officer - Tom Stenzel
Judge Advocate - Jim Stoll
Service Officer - Tom Stenzel
Asst. Service Officer - Robert Noles
Congratulations to each of the elected officers.
Commander-Elect Lieber indicated that he would make the following appointments at the proper time:
Adjutant and Historian - David Burdette
Chaplain - Robert Noles
Sgt.-at-Arms - F. D. Smith
Asst. Sgt.-at-Arms - Howard Daniel
Adjutant Burdette introduced Post 304's representative to the National Oratorical Contest, Andrew Jones, a senior at Kennesaw Mountain High School. Burdette advised the group that Andrew had represented the Post well by winning the District Contest and placing second in the Area Contest, the winner of which proceeded to win the Department Contest and place in the top 10 in the National Contest. Jones indicated that has been accepted to Princeton University in the Fall. Burdette awarded him with a Certificate of Appreciation and a Post check for $150.00.
Jones then spoke to the group about how his experience in the American Legion contests had helped him in winning the State High School speaking contest shortly afterward.
Following are pictures of Burdette introducing Jones and Jones addressing the Post.

Highlight of the meeting was the election of Post 304 officers for the 2006-2007 American Legion year. Elected to serve for the coming year are:
Commander - Larry Lieber
Sr. Vice Commander - Alan Johnson
Jr. Vice Commander - Richard Ray
Jr. Vice Commander - Andy Rice
Jr. Vice Commander - Mike Kettmann
Finance Officer - Tom Stenzel
Judge Advocate - Jim Stoll
Service Officer - Tom Stenzel
Asst. Service Officer - Robert Noles
Congratulations to each of the elected officers.
Commander-Elect Lieber indicated that he would make the following appointments at the proper time:
Adjutant and Historian - David Burdette
Chaplain - Robert Noles
Sgt.-at-Arms - F. D. Smith
Asst. Sgt.-at-Arms - Howard Daniel
Adjutant Burdette introduced Post 304's representative to the National Oratorical Contest, Andrew Jones, a senior at Kennesaw Mountain High School. Burdette advised the group that Andrew had represented the Post well by winning the District Contest and placing second in the Area Contest, the winner of which proceeded to win the Department Contest and place in the top 10 in the National Contest. Jones indicated that has been accepted to Princeton University in the Fall. Burdette awarded him with a Certificate of Appreciation and a Post check for $150.00.
Jones then spoke to the group about how his experience in the American Legion contests had helped him in winning the State High School speaking contest shortly afterward.
Following are pictures of Burdette introducing Jones and Jones addressing the Post.

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