Kiwanis of East Cobb Introduced to
The American Legion On October 23, 2008, the Kiwanis Club of East Cobb County was introduced to The American Legion, North Cobb Post 304. The Kiwanis asked to know more about what we do and what type programs we have in common. We were happy to oblige.

Commander Larry Lieber opens the presentation by briefly letting the Kiwanians know who we are and what we do and a little history about The American Legion.

Post 304 member Bernard Gilliland tells them about the role his great-uncle, a Legionnaire, played in getting Congress to enact legislation to add "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sr. Vice Commander explains the "Four Pillars" upon which The American Legion is founded.

And Adutant David Burdette explains the Youth Programs on how Post 304 is committed to comply with one of the "Four Pillars" - that of mentoring youth.

The Legionnaires are thanked by the Program Chair, Bernie Hatch, for their presentation and each was awarded a Kiwanis "Bell of Freedom" for their presence.