These were the judges for the Contest, l-r: Doug McKittrick, retired Army Lt. Colonel, Past Post 304 Commander and former District Five and Post 304 Oratorical Chairman Bob Titshaw, and Steve Anderson, recently retired Director of Parks and Recreation Department, Chamblee, GA, and an Able Toastmaster, Bronze Level.
Other Post 304 Legionnaires and significant others who made the event successful were: Sr. Vice Commander Alan Johnson, Tabulator, Junior Vice Commander Richard Ray, Escort, Robert Noles, Chaplain, Larry Hale, Sgt.-at-Arms and Doorkeeper, Nancy Burdette and Barbi Williams, Monitors. Their participation and support is greatly appreciated.
And here are the four Contestants, l-r: Kimber Shealy, senior at Kennesaw Mountain High, Danielle Lash, junior at Kell High, Matt Waldrop, junior at North Cobb High, and Garret McDowell, senior at North Cobb High. This was Kimber and Garrett's second consecutive Post 304 competitions.Fourth Place winner and recipient of a $25.00 cash award from Commander Lieber was Garret McDowell of North Cobb.
Third Place and a check for $100 was presented to Matt Waldrop of North Cobb.
Third Place, with a check for $150 was presented to Kimber Shealy, Kennesaw Mountain High, and ... the Winner ....
Danielle Lash - Kell High School, with a check for $200 from the Post. Danielle will compete in the Fifth District Contest at Post 294 in Powder Springs, GA on Saturday morning, February 16, 2008. We know that she will represent North Cobb Post 304 well and we wish her the best of luck.