Post 304 Holds Election of Officers;Program on Air Force WeekCM/Sgt John Cowman, Chief of Training and Air Force Week Co-Chairman, Dobbins AirForce Reserve Base, spoke to the members of Post 304 about the celebration for the Air Force's 60th Anniversary and the events taking place this year. The celebration culminates with Air Force Week in October, 2007.
The members listen attentively to Sgt. Cowman's presentation.
After the presentation, election of officers was held. During the discussion about Jr. Vice Commanders and the number of new Programs in which the Post is now involved, it was determined by membership vote that a fourth Jr. Vice Commander is needed. The following Post Officers were elected:
- Commander - Larry Lieber
- Sr. Vice Commander - Alan Johnson
- Jr. Vice Commander - Richard Ray
- Jr. Vice Commander - Mike Kettmann, Sr.
- Jr. Vice Commander - Fred Gaines
- Jr. Vice Commander - David Menendez
- Judge Advocate - Jim Stoll
- Finance Officer and Service Officer - Tom Stenzel
- Asst. Service Officer - David Menendez
- Post Home Fund Committee - Co-Chairs Alan Johnson and Bob Titshaw. Member Richard Ray
After the election of Officers, Commander Lieber announced his intention with respect to appointments of other Officers and Committee Chairs as follows:
- Adjutant and Historian - David Burdette
- Chaplain - Robert Noles
- Asst. Chaplain - Duane Young
- Sgt.-at-Arms - Larry Hale
- Boys State Committee - Richard Ray, Chairman
- High School Oratorical Contest Committee - David Burdette, Chairman
- Jr. ROTC and ROTC Committee - Co-Chairmen Fred Gaines and Larry Hale
- Civic Affairs Committee - Jim Stoll, Chairman
- Awards Chairman - Co-Chairmen Mike Kettmann, Sr. and Alan Johnson
- ALBA Committee - Larry Lieber, Chairman
- Finance Committee - Tom Stenzel, Chairman, Alan Johnson, David Burdette and Richard Ray
The Officers will be installed by Dept. Finance Officer and ALBA Chairman James E. Robinson on Saturday, July 21, 2007, at Provino's Italian Restuarant on Barrett Parkway in Kennesaw. The festivities commence at 6:30 pm.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The head table included such dignataries as (l-r) the representative from The Sons of the American Revolution, our own Post 304 Commander Larry Lieber, representative from the Naval Reserve Association, NJROTC Commander Bauers and his wife.
Here, Cadet LT Matt Angel and Cadet LCDR Chris Echevarria congratulates part of the troops for their excellent performance during the past year:

Cadet LCDR Echevarria congratulates one of the Cadets for his performance:

Cadet LCDR Chris Echevarria is awarded The American Legion Award for Military Excellence by Cdr. Lieber.

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Nicholas Niedhardt
Receives Prestigious
American Legion School Award
at Honors Ceremony

Nicholas Niedhardt, graduating senior at Kell High School, was presented The American Legion School Award at the Annual Honors Ceremony on Monday, April 30, 2007. The Award and beautiful bronze medallion, is given in recognition of Distinguished Achievement and possession of those high qualities of Courage, Honor, Leadership, Patriotism, Scholarship and Service which are necessary to the preservation and protection of the fundamental institutions of our government and the advancement of society. The recipient of the Award is determined by the school faculty and staff. Cadet Niedhardt also is the Executive Officer of the Kell NJROTC Unit.
Shown in the picture above is Post 304 Adjutant Burdette and Senior Naval Science Instructor and NJROTC Commander William Wilkerson, CAPT, USN. Picture was taken by Laura Niedhardt, Nicholas' mom.
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Adjutant David Burdette at lectern and North Cobb High Principal Gary Boling, right.

Thursday, May 03, 2007
Post 304 Presents Jr. ROTC Awards at North Cobb High School

Here's a shot of the crowd on the left side of the room where the ceremony was conducted ...

... and here's the crowd on the right side of the room.

Here's an image of the "civilian" crowd that attended ...

... listening to retiring ROTC Commander Craig Smith addressing them ...

... and the cadets.

This is the Sons of the American Revolution presenting an award to one of the cadets.
That's US Marine First Sergeant Brian Foster of the ROTC Unit sitting at far right.

And Burdette about to present the ...

The winner of The American Legion ROTC Scholastic Excellence Award was Cadet C/MCPO Chase Mizzell. Unfortunately, we were not able to get a photograph of Cadet Mizzell accepting the Award from Fred Gaines.
The entire ceremony was very impressive. Hopefully, we can involve more of our Legionnaires in future events such as this.