There were several new faces at the last Thursday night meeting at the National Guard Armory. Maybe you'll be able to pick some old acquaintances out of the pictures below, which include shots of our guest speakers, Post 9-1-1 Commander Ronnie Ogletree and 9-1-1 member Pat Baisden. Cdr. Olgletree and Buddy Baisden spoke on Identity Theft and Methods to Use to Prevent It.
The ladies from Unit 304 Women's Auxiliary joined us for the program and we had a surprise visit by Fifth District Jr. Vice Commander Mary Lepley. We had a good meeting, thanks to our Commander Lieber, and we hope you will join us next month, Thursday, October 19.
Attendance drawing is worth $750.00, but you must be present to win. Last weeks' winner was Harold J. Daniel of Acworth. Unfortunately, he was not present. It pays to be there!